What is the most crucial part of Software Product Development? Well, just every step is just as important as all other steps. From the requirement analysis, software strategy and solution architecture to deployment and maintenance, all of it needs specialization.
Generally, for this kind of job, we have a team of product engineers at SwissHelios. An experience product engineer is a crucial part of product development.
What is Solution Architecture?
A Solutions Architecture is the elaborate structure of the solution where the characteristics, behavior and other aspects of the software solutions are defined for the stakeholders. It describes defined features, phases and solution requirements. It helps in prompt delivery, project management and also defines the timeline for operations. Basically, a Solution Architecture offers the solution developers with the best possible solutions option and its components and modules.
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It is the first step take in Product Development that identifies applications, modules, components and processes required for developing the product. It is a document that sets the standards that make integration, implementation, communication and delivery easier. It also helps in drawing conclusions where it identifies problems, issues or hurdles in product development.
It can depend on various factors that describe the kind of data, business context, data that is required to build the product, technology stack, required application components and the resources for the development process and also the other requirements outside the development process like reliability, speed, throughput, availability, security and scalability etc.
Who is a Solution Architect?
It is one of the most crucial roles in the IT industry. Going by the definition “ A Solution Architect is creator of a Solution Architecture for Product Development or Software Development. The Solution Architect identifies the requirements, processes and problems of the product development lifecycle and helps in delivering the project which is depicted to design artifacts.
Solution Architecture Fights Hurdles & Eradicates Issues
When there is a issue while in the development process, chances are high that the project is delayed. Also, sometimes we encounter issues that are limitations of technology or solution environment. These issues and hurdles in the development process of product development can be handled well with well-structured solution architecture. It helps in avoiding them due to specifications at the architectural level.
As solution architecture defines each modules and its scope, it is easier to measure results and fight with issues by being prepared or having backup ideas for the same. The solution architect here, compares the features, functions and goals and understands them to choose the best possible solution. Also, management of resources to an extent makes a overall impact on the product development and its delivery. And selection of software development experts can help in fighting these constraints along with solution architects.
Solution Architecture Ensures Selection of Technology Stack
The selection of technologies and tools for product development is one of the most crucial part while creating the solution architecture. As the strategy that will be adopted to implement a respective solution architecture will depend on the technology stack. There are different strategies adopted for various platforms, technologies and tools, so the selection of appropriate technology and tools for needs to undertaken very carefully. software development experts at SwissHelios validate the solution technology selection by testing and comparing the results with the various parameters of the solution to find the best possible solution for product development. While this selection, the solution architect takes agility, speed and solution environment into consideration to know whether it fits with the product requirements.
Solutions Architecture Must Meet Stakeholders Requirements of Product Development
For any software product development, meeting the requirements of the stakeholders should be given prime importance. Generally, there are many stake holders of a software product who are technical and non-technical in nature. They are also a part of the software strategy. So, they need to be always in loop of the development process. Here, the solution architecture must ensure that this takes place while keeping in mind that any of the apsects of their requirments are not missed. They need to be informed on regular intervals about the project costs, development processes and required budgets. This is generally taken care by the solution architect.
Solution Architecture Meets Non Functional Requirements
A good solution architecture will take care of meeting the non technical and non functional requirements in a product development project. These non-functional requirements are also known as Q-O-S requirements. These generally include aspects like performance concerns, reliability, maintainability, scalability, usability and other hurdles of the product development environment. Some need to be implemented separately and at times all can be implemented at once.
Summing Up
We hope that this blog has given you deep insights on building solution architecture. We have also tried to highlight the role of the solution architect in this context. As mentioned above, this is a very crucial part of product life cycle and you need software development experts helping you with the same. If you have an idea for a product, get in touch with us. We will help you make you product realize its potential with our expert team of product engineers. Stay tuned, we will be coming with more such interesting blogs on product development.
Original Source: Helios Solutions